Friday, July 24, 2009

India,Dec 08

Some of the shots I took when I went to India last Dec,

Sunflower at filed

Chilly onions !

Camel & Sun (Tithal Beach)

Colors (Debarpada My village)

Lone Tree .. ! (Debarpada My village)

Sun Player (Tithal Beach)

Long Way!

Something you really like

Tricolors (Daman Beach)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Use Active directory using MS SQL 2005/08

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'ADSI'





WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND

objectClass = ''user''')

Friday, May 8, 2009


fun with Kites

Focus on light !

How to access network file in SQL

How can I access network XML file from SQL server store procedure?

A procedure which is accessing local file "C:\xyzConfig\xyz.xml" as one of the string parameter.

Now my SQL instance is changed to different server but XML location is same.

I tried "\\SERVER100\c$\xyzConfig\xyz.xml" but It won't work.

Error throw as

"....... could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.)."


here how I resolve with your help,

1) I have a web application on Server100 with IIS & etc..
2) SQL instance is a cluster on Server400 which doesn’t have IIS & etc..
3) make share folder on Server400, Drive X, then I can access file from SQL as local file. Share with read & write permission for domain users
4) but no IIS on Server400 so, it is not allow me to set Web Sharing folder.
5) So, From web app. i have to set up

6) after all I can access file from both process.